Psychosocial skills

  • Boost your self-esteem for the new year!

    By on December 30, 2021

    The last publication of the year aims at boosting your self-esteem for the new year. Look at the positive experiences that marked the last months, bringing you joy and satisfaction: make a list of positive events that took place, and try not to dwell too much on failures or mistakes.

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  • Self-confidence: prepare yourself for success

    By on November 6, 2021

    This article offers tips on how to prepare yourself to success building your self-confidence. One experience tested my self-confidence beyond usual: in fact, it was the most challenging audit of my career. Here is what happened and how I pulled it together to finish the job despite the circumstances.

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  • Lack of psychosocial skills and maladaptive behaviors

    By on October 1, 2021

    Psychosocial skills develop and blossom in unexpected ways while maladaptive behaviors result from a lack of those skills. My recent article “the origin of psychosocial skills” talks about the various steps that skills go through in their developmental process.

    We all need soft-skills and use them the best we can, sometimes with difficulty or through maladaptive behaviors. This article focuses on ways to detect our weak soft-skills and learn to ease our weaknesses.

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  • The origin of psychosocial skills

    By on September 10, 2021

    This article addresses the origin of psychosocial skills according to Erik Erikson’s theory on ego development1. This approach offers a valuable viewpoint on soft skills acquisition and how they influence behavior throughout life. The World Health Organization defined ten life skills essential to lead a healthy life in society, discussed in the second part of the article. The goal of this research is to understand psychosocial skills’ and offer a learning opportunity for people willing to acquire new psychosocial skills or strengthen existing ones.

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  • The lead to psychosocial skills and the prevention of psychosocial risks

    By on June 3, 2021

    Psychosocial skills are essential, although not everyone understands their benefits and applies them correctly. This article helps the reader understand what psychosocial skills are, and how their use helps decrease psychosocial risks or problems.

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  • Psychosocial risk factors in the auditing context

    By on April 23, 2021

    The lack of awareness on how to consider psychosocial risks within the audit framework is undeniable. Although corporations are now considering these risks as part of their obligations, little attention is given to this subject by accreditation bodies.

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  • The value of emotional intelligence in compliance audits

    By on April 11, 2021

    In the business world in general, and the auditing world in particular, emotional intelligence is what allows a person to go through the day smoothly, silently juggling the emotions crossing their mind and their path. The current respect towards emotional intelligence (EI) opens a new door as people are noticed for their individual values beyond their mere professional results 1.

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